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Need Raccoon Removal ASAP?

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Raccoons, with their characteristic masked faces and ringed tails, are commonly seen in both rural and urban locations. While they may appear adorable, these critters can wreak havoc when they invade your home. Raccoons can be a major nuisance, rummaging through trash cans and causing property damage. They can also pose health problems because they can carry diseases like rabies and roundworms.

In response to the problems created by raccoon infestations, the demand for raccoon exclusion services has increased dramatically. These specialized services provide homeowners with a proactive approach for preventing raccoons from accessing their property. In this post, we will discuss the importance of raccoon exclusion services and the methods utilized to protect homes from these clever creatures.

Understanding Raccoon Behavior

Before getting into exclusion techniques, it’s essential to understand raccoon behavior. Raccoons are extremely adaptive critters recognized for their intelligence and dexterity. They are omnivorous scavengers with a keen sense of smell, drawn to readily available food sources such as garbage cans and bird feeders. Raccoons are also adept climbers, able to easily scale fences, trees, and even buildings.

These characteristics make raccoons proficient at penetrating homes in search of food and shelter. Once inside, they can inflict significant damage by tearing through insulation, nibbling on electrical equipment, and polluting attics or crawl spaces with feces and urine.

Importance of Raccoon Exclusion Services

These infestations can cause significant damage and health problems, therefore homeowners should invest in professional elimination services. Raccoon exclusion entails taking steps to shut up entry points and prevent raccoons from entering vulnerable parts of a property.

One of the key advantages of raccoon exclusion services is prevention. By protecting your house from raccoon penetration, you can avoid costly repairs and reduce the danger of health problems linked with raccoon infestations. Furthermore, proactive exclusion measures can assist preserve your property’s structural integrity while also maintaining its visual appeal.

Methods for Raccoon Exclusion

Raccoon exclusion services use a range of strategies to protect houses from raccoon incursion. These approaches are targeted to address the individual vulnerabilities of each property and may include:

  1. Inspection and Assessment: DFW Wildlife Control thoroughly evaluates the property to discover potential entrance ways and determine the level of raccoon activity. This allows us to create a tailored exclusion plan based on the homeowner’s particular needs.
  2. Sealing Entry Points: We utilize durable materials such as steel mesh, wire mesh, or foam insulation. Our technicians seal off gaps, fissures, and openings on the home’s exterior. Common access locations include roof vents, chimneys, soffits, and attic vents.
  3. Installing Exclusion Devices: Specialized exclusion devices, such as one-way doors and chimney covers, are installed to allow raccoons to leave but not return. These gadgets are intended to be humane and effective in discouraging raccoons without inflicting injury.
  4. Trimming Vegetation: Overhanging branches and vegetation near your home provide raccoons with easy access to rooftops and upper levels. Trimming trees and bushes can limit raccoon access and lower the risk of infestation.
  5. Fastening Trash Cans: Because raccoons are drawn to food waste, securing trash cans with tight-fitting lids and keeping them in containers can help keep them from scavenging on your property.


Raccoon exclusion services are critical in protecting houses from the damaging and even dangerous effects of raccoon infestations. By employing proactive exclusion measures, homeowners can protect their homes and have peace of mind knowing that raccoons are being effectively deterred from entering your home.

If you suspect raccoon activity on your property or wish to take preventative measures to avoid infestations, contacting a reliable raccoon exclusion service is the first step toward protecting your house from these wily beasts. DFW WIldlife Control, with 20+ years of experience, can assist you in efficiently safeguarding your house and prevent future infestations.

Are you in need of raccoon removal? Our friendly operators at Dallas Fort Worth Wildlife Control are available now at (817) 606-7607. Find out more about our wildlife removal in Arlington and Fort Worth, TX.