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With their lively antics and fluffy tails, squirrels are frequent visitors in our yards. However, if they decide to make your home their own, it can cause a number of issues. Infestations of squirrels in your home can cause property damage, health issues, and even fire threats. If you want to learn more on home squirrel infestations, continue reading this article.

Addressing Squirrel Infestations in the Home

Squirrels are creative and nimble wildlife that can enter homes through a variety of entrance points. Squirrels may invade your home for a variety of reasons, including:

  1. Nesting: Squirrels build nests in attics, crawl spaces, and wall voids to protect their young. These areas provide warmth and security.
  2. Food Sources: These adorable creatures may be drawn to your property if you provide easy access to food, such as birdseed or open garbage cans.
  3. Escape from Predators: Rodents may enter homes to avoid predators or extreme weather.

Squirrel Infestation Symptoms

By identifying a home squirrel infestation early, you can prevent serious structural damage. Look for the following indicators:

  1. Scratching Noises: Rodents produce a lot of noise while they move. Scratching or scurrying sounds in your attic or walls could indicate an infestation.
  2. Squirrels have sharp teeth and may chew on electrical lines, wood, insulation, or other materials in your home.
  3. Squirrel droppings look like black pellets and can be discovered at entry portals or nesting places.
  4. Nesting Materials: These critters build their nests out of materials such as leaves, twigs, and insulation. If there is a presence of these materials in odd locations, your house could have a squirrel infestation.

How to Prevent Squirrel Infestations

Proactive methods can aid in the prevention of squirrel home infestations:

  1. Seal Entry Points: Examine your home for any holes or openings that squirrels might utilize to gain access. Hardware cloth, wire mesh, or foam insulation can be used to seal these access points.
  2. Trim Trees and Branches: In addition, trim branches near your home’s roof to keep squirrels out of the attic.
  3. Secure Trash and Food: To reduce potential food sources, keep garbage cans securely closed and use squirrel-proof bird feeders.
  4. Remove Attractants: Remove bird seed off the ground and keep it out of reach of squirrels. Additionally, remove any debris in your yard that could be used as nesting material.

Removing Squirrel Infestations Safely

If you suspect or confirm a squirrel home infestation in your home, you must act quickly and humanely:

  1. Consult Professionals: If you experience any of these issues, contact a wildlife removal who has dealt with squirrels before. They can assess the problem and provide suitable removal and exclusion procedures.
  2. Live Traps: Live traps are frequently used by professionals to capture squirrels. These traps enable the wildlife to be safely removed and relocated.
  3. Exclusion: After squirrels have been removed from your property, take precautions to avoid future infestations by securely sealing entry points.
  4. Cleaning and Sanitizing: Clean and disinfect infested areas to remove any urine, feces, or lingering odors. This helps to keep other squirrels away.

Infestations of squirrels in your home can be both annoying and dangerous to your property. Recognizing the signs, taking precautions, and obtaining professional assistance when necessary are the key steps in dealing with these infestations. Remember that squirrels are an important element of the environment, thus their removal must be done in a gentle and responsible manner.

Are you in need of squirrel removal? Our friendly operators at Dallas Fort Worth Wildlife Control are available now at (817) 606-7607. Find out more about our wildlife removal in Arlington and Fort Worth, TX.